PSEO Data Visualization and Communication
Under the direction of Christopher Peña, two student interns are assisting the PSEO Coalition in developing visualizations of PSEO data and determining ways to communicate the resulting information to stakeholders, including students, parents, and career counselors. Funding for the work of the student interns is generously provided by Strada Education Foundation.

Christopher Peña
Assistant Professor of the Practice, University of Denver and Intern Supervisor, PSEO Coalition

DiviyaBharrathi Barathwaaj
Master of Science in Management Information Systems Candidate, Northern Illinois University

Sai Teja Tadikonda
Master of Science in Management Information Systems Candidate, Northern Illinois University
PSEO Coalition Engagement
The PSEO Coalition’s theme for the year is “Strengthening and Expanding the PSEO Coalition.” Under the direction of the PSEO Director, Gina Johnson, and led by Annika Many of EDU-PM, the PSEO Coalition is expanding its membership and strengthening its member engagement through networking and events, including:
- PSEO Coalition Showcase | Theme: Strengthening States’ Education-to-Workforce Data Ecosystem. Learn More About This Event
- PSEO Coalition Summit (invitation only) | Theme: Expanding the Education-to-Workforce Data Network
Funding for engagement activities and events is generously provided by Strada Education Foundation and the Gates Foundation.
PSEO Research
In partnership with Ithaka S+R’s Elise Miller McNeely and Elizabeth Davidson Pisacreta, and consultant Alli Bell, who serves as the Coalition’s Research Manager, the PSEO Coalition is engaging in research to inform policy and stakeholder decision-making. The results of these research projects, as they are published, will be made available in the PSEO Coalition’s Resource Library.
Measuring and Reporting the Value of Educational Credentials
Under the direction of the PSEO Director, Gina Johnson, a group of PSEO Coalition members is engaging in technical assistance, workshops, and peer engagement to adopt and operationalize the Postsecondary Value Commission’s Value Framework, improving their capacity to measure and report on the value of educational credentials at the institutional level. Funding for this work is generously provided by the Gates Foundation.